Mayor's Walk and Neighborhood Block Party

On Tuesday, August 22, residents joined Mayor Tom Barrett, Alderman Cavalier Johnson, and Tiffany Henry from Senator Tammy Baldwin's office in the Mayor's 100 miles in 100 Days Challenge! The two-mile walk took residents from Westlawn Garden's Heritage Green to McGovern Park, helping to make a connection between two of the area's premier park spaces. Prior to the walk, residents enjoyed a summer block party with live music by Larry Moore & Friends, food, and fun! Many thanks to the Westlawn Resident Council, Greater Mt. Sinai C.O.G.I.C, Silver Spring Neighborhood Center, House of Corned Beef, Silver Spring Meat Market, Safe & Sound, Housing Authority, Havenwoods Economic Development Corporation, Friends of Housing, Milwaukee Public Library, Rocketship Education, Lighthouse Youth Center, Carmen Middle & High Schools -- Northwest, Browning Elementary School, and Open D