Employment Opportunities
Welcome to the Choice Neighborhood Employment Opportunities page. Here you will find information pertaining to job opportunities in and around the Choice Neighborhood. Click through the links to get information about employment through the Havenwoods Economic Development Corporation, the Housing Authority, and the City of Milwaukee's job boards. Below, you will also find information on our Section 3 program and how to get involved with that process.

The Section 3 Program helps to link public housing residents, Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8 Rent Assistance) participants, and other low-income individuals in the metropolitan Milwaukee area to employment and training opportunities on projects funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). When there is a need for new hires on these projects, the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) and its contractors and subcontractors will make every effort within their disposal to hire Section 3 residents (low-income residents) to the greatest extent feasible. Low-income residents can join the Section 3 Resident Registry to be contacted by contractors as they are hiring. Business that are owned by or substantially employ low-income individuals can also benefit through contracting opportunities. There is a separate Section 3 Business Registry available to business owners. Learn more about Section 3 and sign up for the registries here.