Resident Spotlight: Alysia Mullins
This month we focus on a former resident of Westlawn, Alysia Mullins. Alysia and her family found housing stability when the Housing Authority offered her family an apartment at Westlawn in 2012.

While living there, she focused on improving life for her family. She worked multiple jobs to make ends meet, and, with the support of a Housing Authority scholarship, she attended school to open doors for additional job opportunities. She also attended a Housing Authority/Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation financial education program that helped her take control of her finances and enabled her to start saving money for her future. 2017 was a watershed year for Alysia, when several of her personal goals came to fruition. She achieved a degree in Human Services from MATC in May, and as part of the relocation process for Westlawn residents, she made the decision to move from subsidized housing into her own home. Utilizing the money she saved through the financial education program, she made a down payment on a home and her family moved in during the month of August. Alysia’s story of overcoming adversity and achieving personal goals has offered inspiration to many this year. To hear her tell the story in her own words, watch the video below from the Housing Authority’s annual meeting earlier this year.